Journey, Learnings, and Discoveries

During my time working on the sorting algorithm for the car game, I faced challenges and learned about interesting things. My main task was to work on both the backend and frontend for the sorting algorithm race. One important thing I learned this trimester was the use of inheritance in our code. Before, my code did not have a superclass and my code was very redundant, which peer graders and Mr. Mortensen pointed out. From there, I started to work on implementing inheritance code within my team’s backend for sorting. This turned out to be very useful, allowing for more organized and efficient code. Inheritance helped my team build on existing code without creating unnecessary mess. Furthermore, my team’s lesson on jQuery also allowed me to learn more about it. It was new territory for me, so I had to do more research than expected to prepare for the lesson. The main idea I taught involved Event Methods, which led to some research on sites such as W3Schools and such. As a team, we achieved our goal of creating a racing game that incorporated a really cool simulation of the algorithms for sorting and Fibonacci in the form of a race. Our team made sure to listen to advice given by our each other, peers, as well as from Mr. Mortensen ie. inheritance as previously mentioned and an educational aspect. Outside of class, we setup times to meet and discussed plans and any questions or help via a group chat. In terms of the multiple choice test, I thought that I did not do too bad on it. I missed 4 points meaning that I scored a 35/39, which is about an 89%. I don’t think that I did poorly on this quiz and after submitting the test I asked questions and compared results with a good friend and fellow CSA student, Rachit Jaiswal. After the MCQ, we got different questions incorrect and correct so we were able to learn from each other, this was very helpful to understanding what I missed on the exam. Overall, I have really enjoyed this trimester and CSA as a whole so far and cannot wait for what the future holds.


Question 7


  • My answer, a, was wrong because it would be the result if the outer loop counter variable, outer, was incremented by 2 for each iteration
  • The correct answer, c, is correct because the outer loop iterates six times for when outer is assigned the values 1 through 6. For each iteration, the number of times the inner loop iterates is dependent on the value of outer. When outer is 1, the inner loop iterates from 1 to 6, incrementing by 1 each time, and prints all even numbers followed by a space (2 4 6). When outer is 2, the inner loop iterates from 2 to 6 and prints all even numbers followed by a space (2 4 6). When outer is 3, the inner loop iterates from 3 to 6 and prints all even numbers followed by a space (4 6). When outer is 4, the inner loop iterates from 4 to 6 and prints all even numbers followed by a space (4 6). When outer is 5, the inner loop iterates from 5 to 6 and prints 6 followed by a space. When outer is 6, the inner loop iterates one time and prints 6 followed by a space.

Question 12


  • My answer, a, was wrong because the only time x && y is true is when both x and y are true. When x and y are both true, (x   y) is true and !(x   y) is false. Therefore, (x && y) && !(x   y) will always be false
  • B is the correct answer because using De Morgan’s Law, the value of !(x   y) is equivalent to !x && !y. The only time x && y is true is when both x and y are true. When x and y are both true, !x && !y is false. Therefore, (x && y) && (!x && !y) will always be false as will (x && y) && !(x   y)

Question 22


  • My answer, E, was wrong because numbers[0].length returns the number of columns in numbers and numbers.length returns the number of rows. In this case, the outer loop will loop r from 0 to 3, not including 3. However, r is then used as the row index in printing numbers[r][c] and there are only two rows in numbers. An ArraylndexOutOfBoundsExeception will be thrown when the code attempts to access a third row that does not exist
  • A is correct because the outer for loop iterates over every row of numbers and assigns each row to the array row. The inner loop iterates over the array row accessing each element and assigning it to n. Then n is printed to the screen. In the first iteration of the outer loop, row is equal to {1, 2, 3}, and the inner loop will assign each successive value in row to n and print it to the screen, meaning 123 will be printed. For the second iteration of the outer loop, row is equal to {4, 5, 6}, and the inner loop will assign each successive value in row to n and print it to the screen, meaning 456 will be printed after 123, giving us the output 123456.

Question 31


  • My answer, d, was incorrect because it would require the second set of nested loops to initialize row to val – 1, increment both row and col in each iteration inner loop (instead of row being decremented) and changing the condition on the inner loop to col < 5 && row < 5
  • Choice E is the correct answer because the first set of nested for loops sets each element in board to “O”. The next for loop starts val at 0 and increments by 1 until val is 4, when val is 5 the loop terminates. When val is even, board is not updated, so nothing happens when val is 0. When val is 1, row is assigned 1 and col is assigned 0. The boolean condition in the while loop is true, so board[1][0] is assigned “X”. Then col is incremented to 1 and row is decremented to 0 and board[0][1] is assigned “X”. Then col is incremented to 2 and row is decremented to -1 and the while loop terminates. When val is 2, nothing changes about board. When val is 3, row is assigned 3 and col is assigned 0. The boolean condition in the while loop is true, so board[3][0] is assigned “X”. Then col is incremented to 1 and row is decremented to 2 and board[2][1] is assigned “X”. Then col is incremented to 2 and row is decremented to 1 and board[1][2] is assigned “X”. Then col is incremented to 3 and row is decremented to 0 and board[0][3] is assigned “X”. Finally, col is incremented to 4 and row is decremented to -1 and the while loop terminates. When val is 4, nothing changes about board.

Unit Notes

Unit 1

Arithmetic Operators

  • Addition: +
  • Subtraction: -
  • Multiplication: *
  • Division: /
    • Example: 20 % 8 returns 2 (not 2.5)
  • Modulus: %
    • Gives the remainder
    • Example: 11 % 3 returns 2

Assignment Statement

A statement that assigns values to variables.

Assignment Operators

These operators can be applied to the primitive data types int and double, even if both are present in the same expression.

Integer Division

When both divisor and dividend are integers, the output/quotient is an integer. You can control the output type (int or double) by casting the operands.

  • Example:
    • (int) 6.0/8 results in 0
    • (double) 6/8 results in 0.75

Constant Identifiers

Constant identifiers are capitalized.

Use of Constants or Final Variables

A common use of a constant or final variable is in arrays.

Unit 2

Instance Methods

  • Include constructors, accessors, and mutators.


  • Create an object or a new instance of the class.
  • Default constructor: No arguments.
    • Provides initial values for each new object.
  • Constructors with parameters set instance variables to the parameter values.
  • Object variables store values and addresses of their respective objects.


  • Access class objects without modifying them.
  • Return information about the object.
  • The dot (.) operator signals a method of a class.


  • Alter the state of an object.
  • Change at least one instance variable of the object.
  • Invoked similarly to an accessor in a client program.

Static Methods

  • Perform an operation for the entire class, not individual objects.
  • Sometimes known as a class method.

Static Methods vs. Instance Methods

  • Static methods use the keyword static for implementation.
  • No implied objects in static methods (unlike instance methods).
  • Static methods can use static variables in the code.

Method Overloading

  • Two or more methods in the same class with the same name but different inputs or parameter lists.
  • Compiler decides which method to call based on the method’s signature.
  • Method signature consists of the method’s name and parameter types.
  • Return type is irrelevant for overloaded methods.
    • Two methods cannot have different return types with similar method signatures (compiler error).

Unit 5


  • Conditions that must be true before the code is implemented.
  • Ensure the validity of the program/software.
  • Often used by software designers and programmers.


  • Conditions that should be true after a method is run.
  • Describes the output/outcome after the method is run.
  • Can show any changes that occurred to the instance variables.
  • These conditions help determine the validity of the program/software.
  • Software designers and programmers usually use this.

Use-case Diagram System

  • Diagram showing different ways a user can interact or use the program before it’s built.

Accessor Methods

  • Also known as get methods or getters.
  • Explain how to get the value of an instance variable.
  • Return by value, and the original value can’t be modified.
  • A way to access the instance variables of the class.
  • Non-void method returns only a single value.
  • The header has the return type instead of the keyword void.
  • Accessor methods return primitive types.
  • Return keyword/expression references an object and returns a copy of the reference (not the original object).
  • toString method is an overridden method incorporated in classes to show a description of the object.
  • Called when print statements are passed as objects.

Mutator Methods

  • Also known as set methods or setters.
  • Allow changes to the values of instance variables.
  • Void methods don’t return a value but take parameters for instance variables.